Sunday, 21 August 2016

Tiny the Turbine

Tiny the Turbine is a story written by Lyndsey Ward with cartoons by Josh.
Lyndsey was asked to write a children’s book to counter the wind propaganda that has been allowed into schools.
It follows on from her tale of Subsidy Sam, a satire primarily for adults also written to counter wind industry spin.
Those who are concerned at the indoctrination of children regarding industrial wind development should ensure that a copy of Tiny the Turbine is given to their local school to show the other side of the wind ‘education’ currently received by our children.
Tiny the Turbine is available as a PDF to download and you may print for personal use or email as you wish andif you like what we have done or wish to use it in your own campaigning,  please make a donation on this website to help fund this and possible future projects.
All contributions, large or small, are gratefully accepted and appreciated. Thank you.
Download Tiny The Turbine from Cartoons By Josh