Extract from http://smithvilleturbinesoppositionparty.ca/news/vibro-acoustic-disease/
“The vibrations induced by the operation of the wind towers (movement of the blades and the remaining existing mechanical equipment) have a frequency content concentrated in bands with medium frequency 3 Hz, 8 Hz, 15 Hz, 28 Hz, and especially around 55 Hz. We can see clearly that some of the bands may vary with the speed of movement of the blades (which in turn is correlated with wind speed).
The link between Vibro Acoustic Disease (VAD) and Wind Turbine Syndrome (WTS)
VAD is an acknowledged medical disease caused primarily by the frequencies of Infrasound (0 – 20Hz) and Low Frequency Noise (20 – 500Hz). These frequencies are commonly grouped together as ILFN (0 – 500Hz).
Respiratory pathology induced by ILFN is not a novel subject given that in the 1960’s, within the context of U.S. and U.S.S.R. Space Programs, its existence was being reported.
Central nervous system disorders in workers exposed to ILFN were first observed 25 years ago among aircraft technicians. Concurrently, respiratory pathology was identified in these workers, and later reproduced in ILFN-exposed animal models.
In 1987, the first autopsy of a deceased VAD patient was performed. The extent of ILFN induced damage was overwhelming, and the information obtained is, guiding many of the associated and ongoing research projects.
In both human and animal models, ILFN exposure causes thickening of cardiovascular structures. Pericardial thickening with no inflammatory process, and in the absence of diastolic dysfunction, is the hallmark of VAD.
Depressions, increased irritability and aggressiveness, a tendency for isolation, and decreased cognitive skills are all part of the clinical picture of VAD.
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