The truth about having to live near Grouselodge wind farm, Co. Limerick, the illness it causes, the noise, the discomfort, the lies from developers, wind farm owners/operators, Grouselodge wind farm the Chernobyl of Co. Limerick, instead of radiation it produces infrasound
I know you’re fighting wind turbines and I thought I’d tell you about 'mine' which have unfortunately gone up and are now switched on! I had enough money when my dad died to buy my little house in Drinagh which I still love despite living in the middle of a wind farm -they are the wind turbines just gone up which you can see on Bantry road just before Drimoleague (heading from Dunmanway to Bantry) I never thought there was any risk of wind turbines when I bought my house as there didn’t seem anywhere high enough around but, over the last year, 10 turbines 125 metres high appeared to the back of my house and along the lane where I used to enjoy walking my dogs. They are nearer than the 500 metres (the recommended setback distance) to houses along the lane, although the farmer has 3 on his land and is probably being paid thousands to have them there. I think landowners were attracted by easy money with absolutely no idea of the impact the wind farm would have on peoples lives.
In an effort to assist a society in danger, I feel obligated to make this case public. I am employed in schools within a rural area. The projects I am involved in run throughout the school year. I hope it will be understood why I cannot reveal names and locations. Sadly, I must protect myself against the professional consequences which could result from a fully detailed testimony.
During the past two years, I have worked in a school located 5 km to the east of a small wind farm, whose elevation is about 300 feet above that of the establishment. Most of the time, the school is downwind from the 2 MW wind turbines. In 2014/2015, I worked with the kindergarten consisting of 20 children aged 2.5 to 5 years of age. I’ve been engaged in this work for a long time, and I know the region and its people very well.
Monday, February 06, 2017 Seven Cork families could be on course to receive damages after a wind farm operator admitted liability in a High Court action over noise pollution. Below is a saved page from Irish examiner as last time they issued this story they were told? to pull it down
PRESS RELEASE 4th January 2017 High Court order for families forced from homes due to noisy wind turbines.
The High Court has issued its order regarding the seven families from Cork who were impacted by noise pollution from a nearby wind farm. A number of the families had to abandon their homes because of the severity of the noise and some lived up to a full 1km from the wind farm.
The defendant, Enercon Wind Farm Services Ireland Ltd., has admitted liability and the case is listed for ten days in the High Court commencing 25th April 2017 to deal with damages and costs.
The outcome of the April court case could be a watershed for existing and planned wind farms as well as for investor confidence in, and government plans for the future of on-shore wind in Ireland. Many families, similarly affected by noisy wind turbines are anxiously awaiting the outcome and it is expected that more cases will now follow.
There has been a failure of successive governments to regulate the wind industry. Minister Denis Naughten is the latest minister to delay the introduction of regulation. This despite his promise to regulate the distance turbines can be placed from homes within 3 to 6 months of his taking office. Instead, yet another lengthy period of consultation is planned, despite previous consultations on the matter attracting over 7,000 submissions. A spokesperson from Wind Aware Ireland has stated “This further delay has indicated how far this government are prepared to allow the continuation of a free-for-all in the construction of wind farms, to the detriment of rural communities who are bitterly opposing their construction.”
Ireland’s embarked on an all-wind strategy in 2007 under Minister Eamon Ryan in conjunction with Brendan Halligan (chairman of SEAI), who at the time was also a director and shareholder in Mainstream Renewables, one of Ireland’s biggest wind farm developers.
No cost benefit analysis (CBA) or strategic environmental assessment (SEA) was ever carried out on the plan. Both of these legally required analyses were sidestepped.
To date, these analyses have not been carried out and Ireland proceeds with this expensive experiment. Ireland’s 1400 wind turbines have reduced our CO2 emissions by a paltry 3-4%.